The GBA Pixel Book
The GBA Pixel Book
When the Game Boy Advance made its debut in 2001, the game industry was expecting to move on from traditional pixel art. But then the compact, quirky console took everyone by surprise, showcasing a stunning library of 2D worlds with games like Fire Emblem, The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, Advance Wars, and many others. All of these beloved titles are featured in The GBA Pixel Book, a collaboration between Bitmap Books and German publisher Elektrospieler. The book includes over 240 articles, almost 4,000 screenshots, and showcases a variety of pixel art and sprite work, making it a must-have for any Game Boy Advance fan. Organized by genre, the book also explores how the GBA played a key role in the evolution of popular gaming styles and the design trends that kept pixel art alive. This latest addition to the Bitmap Books Elektrospieler series follows in the footsteps of The SNES Pixel Book.