The Secret History of Mac Gaming: Expanded Edition
The Secret History of Mac Gaming: Expanded Edition
Experience the Macintosh's impact on video games, challenging the medium to go beyond quick reflexes and child's play. It transformed the world of human-computer interaction, making it friendly, intuitive, and inviting. From Myst to Halo to SimCity, Mac gaming paved the way for gaming features now taken for granted by PC gamers. It opened the door for game creation and whimsical software for anyone, while providing a community for indie developers. Mac gaming encouraged experimentation and welcomed eccentric ideas, inspiring developers to "think different". Award-winning journalist Richard Moss draws on archives and interviews with key figures to uncover the untold story of Mac gaming, featuring guest chapters from Craig Fryar and stunning illustrations by JJ Signal. This newly-expanded edition with extra pages and content, including a foreword by Graeme Devine, revisits the quirky and wonderful world of Mac gaming.