Commodore Amiga: a visual compendium
Commodore Amiga: a visual compendium
Released in 1985, the Amiga brought in a new era of home computing. It quickly became a sensation, attracting both gamers looking to upgrade from their 8-bit systems and artists and musicians breaking into the digital world with its robust 16-bit Motorola CPU and unique graphics and audio chipsets. From early favorites like Defender of the Crown, Barbarian and Hybris to perfect conversions of classic arcade games Marble Madness, Space Harrier and Rainbow Islands, the Amiga proved its ability to rival dedicated coin-op cabinets. Over the next decade, it would see a remarkable variety of titles including Rocket Ranger, Populous, Cannon Fodder, Speedball and Worms, which introduced new genres and revolutionized the world of video games. This 420-page visual compendium, Commodore Amiga, features over 140 of the most popular titles, each accompanied by quotes and witty commentary from renowned artists, developers and publishers.